Current Issue

Volume: 12 Issue: 24, 10/15/24

Year: 2024

Tüm Sayı

Humanitas - International Journal of Social Sciences is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed international electronic journal, published twice a year in Spring and Autumn by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University. The aim of the journal is to publish research papers in the fields of social and human sciences, which would evaluate contemporary and historical issues and matters of concern with a scientific approach.

Humanitas is indexed in MLA, EBSCO, CEOOL, ASOS, TEİ, COPERNICUS.

Original and scientific articles are accepted as representing the domains of Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Archeology, Linguistics, and Literature.

The authors should prepare their articles according to the rules of journal.

Please check the spelling rules: Spelling Rules

Ethical Principles

  • The research articles which include clinical/empirical research performed on/using humans and/or animals are required to submit ethical review board approval. The institution(s) who granted the approval and the date of the approval should be provided in the footnote of the title page of the article in the manuscript.
  • For research performed on/using humans, the researchers should inform the subjects regarding the research process and obtain their permission for publication before the research begins. A statement, explaining that the subjects were informed about the details of the research and asked for their permission before the research began, should be provided in the "Methods" section of the article.
  • In the case of suspected data theft, reference manipulation and/or plagiarism, the submitted articles are evaluated based on the rules of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). 
  • Having been evaluated by a plagiarism identification software, the submitted articles whose percentage of plagiarism is over 15%, are directly rejected during the precursory check. 

Publication Policy

  • Humanitas - International Journal of Social Sciences is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal, published twice a year in Spring (March) and Autumn (October) by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University. The aim of the journal is to publish research papers in the fields of social and human sciences, which would evaluate contemporary and historical issues and matters of concern with a scientific approach.
  • Humanitas is indexed in ULAKBİLİM TR Index, MLA, EBSCO, CEEOL, ASOS, TEİ, COPERNICUS.
  • Original and scientific articles are accepted as representing the domains of Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Archeology, Linguistics, and Literature.
  • The articles that are submitted to Humanitas should be original research articles, should follow ethical and spelling rules, and should not have been published or sent to be published elsewhere before. The papers presented at scientific conferences are taken for evaluation to be published if they have not been published in other journals or conference books on condition that the information regarding the conference is given as a footnote. This ethic responsibility belongs to the writer.
  • The language of publication is Turkish, but articles in German, French, and English are also accepted.
  • The form of the article should be organized according to the publication principles and the complete version, including bibliography, is sent via the Dergipark system. Authors are required to use ORCID.
  • The Initial Evaluation Process: The articles submitted to be published via Dergipark are initially checked by the editors. In this evaluation, articles are directly rejected if they are unsuitable for the journal’s aim and scope; they show weakness in terms of their language and articulation; they have critical scientific mistakes; they are not original; they do not comply with the publication policy of the journal; and if their plagiarism rate is over 15 percent. If the sent article does not comply with the spelling rules of the journal, this is considered as a sufficient reason for the article to be rejected at this early stage. The authors of the rejected articles are informed within the first month of their submission date. The articles, which are deemed suitable at the end of this evaluation, are sent to a Field Editor or a member of the Editorial Board according to their field of research.
  • Preliminary Evaluation Process: In this process, the Field Editor or the member of the Editorial Board evaluates the article in detail with regards to its suitability to the journal’s publication policy and scope as well as its originality, paying particular attention to introduction, literature review, methods, findings, result, evaluation and discussion sections of the article. The articles which are deemed unsuitable are returned to their authors within a month. Those which comply with the journal’s publication policy are sent to reviewers for the double-blind evaluation process.
  • Double-blind Review Process: The articles which comply with the journal’s publication policy are evaluated scientifically by at least two reviewers according to double-blind independent and unprejudiced peer-reviewing principles. The reviewers are chosen by the Editorial Board after careful consideration and according to their expertise and experience in the field of the submitted article. The reviewers have the authority to declare the manuscript suitable or not suitable for publication, or suggest it be partially corrected, re-written, re-arranged, or proofread. Articles which are deemed suitable for publication at the end of the review process are published. However, the last decision belongs to the Editorial Board.
  • The writers, whose texts are published in our journal, are responsible for all the scientific, orthographical and legal aspects.
  • All articles published in the journal are Open-Access.
  • The writers of the articles published in the journal are not paid for royalty.

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